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Some of the organizations out there are working hard to reach their MULTICULTURAL CONSUMER and there is so much to learn from their Multicultural Marketing Companies. In this post, our team selected 3 of the big players in the market that are worth learning from. 

3 Multicultural marketing Campaigns with A Great Strategy:

  1. Coca Cola

    During the BET Hip Hop Awards, the company features some of the most emerging black artists explaining why voting matters to them and their communities. 

  2. Apple

    The brand is a synonym of great products and culture. They believe “Humanity is not single, it is plural”.

  3. McDonald’s

    The company was one of the first American companies to create culturally targeted campaigns for minorities within the US using the Spanish phrase “Me encanta” (I love it!). 

Why Multicultural Marketing Strategy?

In the past, most organizations used to target in their Marketing Campaigns white, non-Hispanic Americans. This is no longer the case. Companies need to develop their own MULTICULTURAL MARKETING Strategies crafted for their MULTICULTURAL CONSUMER – that could be Black-African Americans, Latinxs, Hispanic… 

A closer look at our current market indicates that “cookie-cutter” Total Marketing campaigns tend to #fail. In a country where, according to the 2019 U.S. Census Bureau, around 40% of the total population DO NOT recognize themselves as white non-Hispanic Americans, design campaigns that can engage that a growing audience is key.

It means if your company might be investing 100% of their marketing budget to reach only 60% of their potential audience, excluding all the multicultural consumers out there. 

That’s why we did our homework and brought for you some of the brands that are embracing a much more MULTICULTURAL MARKETING APPROACH to their marketing efforts and are worth to be followed. 

How Apple, Sprite, and McDonald’s are reaching their Multicultural Audiences as Marketing Companies?

Coca-Cola Company: Sprite

2020 was a chaotic year, to say the least. In the middle of one of the greatest Pandemic of the World, our country also faced the most controversial elections. During a recent multicultural marketing campaign, Sprite encouraged Black and multicultural youth to make their voices heard at the polls.

During the BET Hip Hop Awards, the company features some of the most emerging black artists explaining why voting matters to them and their communities.

Using one of the most important elections in the country as a background and a growing MULTICULTURAL CONSUMER, Sprite embraced a delicate topic highlighting the importance of having your voice heard when you are a minority group and the impact of such in a community. 


multicultural marketing approach of companies like apple

The brand is a synonym of great products and culture. They believe “Humanity is not single, it is plural”. Without a doubt, Apple has been always mastering the art of being ahead of their competitors. Their MULTICULTURAL MARKETING approach travels through all the work they do. For instance, on their website, they feature a dedicated page to talk about diversity and features stories about their employees: Inclusion & Diversity.

Apple also takes into consideration in all their marketing strategies their multicultural audience customizing its content toward the specifies of each target audience. 

Let Phu Concepts help your company with your Multicultural Marketing Strategy


Throughout the years, McDonald’s has been known for its comprehensive and intelligent approach to multicultural marketing. The company was one of the first American companies to create culturally targeted campaigns for minorities within the US using the Spanish phrase “Me encanta” (I love it!). 

In 2020, the company partnered with celebrities to debut their “special orders” to the public. First, it was Travis Scott, the young African American rapper, then, right after the promo ended, McDonald’s announced another celebrity meal partnership, this time with the Colombian reggaeton superstar J Balvin.

The choice for hugely popular and award-winning names with a massive appeal such as Travis Scott and J Balvin was not random. Both artists illustrate two of the most growing minority population in the country: according to the 2019 Census,  Hispanic and Black/African American population represents more than 30% of the total country population.

Featuring a Black African American and then a Latinxs artist on their MARKETING CAMPAIGN was a brilliant multicultural marketing ploy that creates massive buzz, getting that target diverse consumer excited about its brand, along with also potentially gathering new followers of its own from among the millions of fans of Travis Scott and J. Baldin. 

Why your company should have a multicultural strategy?

The TOTAL MARKETING approach, where companies would define a general target consumer and define a “one size fits all” strategy is obsolete. While this could work in the past, the speed of nowadays information changed drastically the way people consume information and products and services. 

The cookie-cutter approach does work anymore, when a company believes a general approach will target everyone, it is most likely that that campaign ends up not reaching anyone.

Technology changed the way we consume information, while 30 years ago companies did not know much about their consumers. Today everything is online, you can learn anything you want about your multicultural consumer, their primary language, ethnicity, family size, income, background, struggles… Everything is just some clicks away

So, if you have all this data, why not use it? Not taking advantage of what you know about your multicultural audience is a waste of your investment and time. To learn more, check out our article WHY YOU SHOULD DO MULTICULTURAL MARKETING RIGHT NOW.