What You Need to Know About COVID-19 & How You Can Stay Healthy
The COVID-19 Pandemic
Since December 2019 the Coronavirus pandemic has swept the world; traveling from China, throughout Europe, and eventually hitting home in America. So far, hospitals have been overpopulated, grocery stores have been completely empty, and entire cities have been shut down. It’s overwhelming, to say in the least.
Stay home, Stay Safe, protect Rochester NY
Because of the gravity of recent events, Phu Concepts and the Mayor of Rochester NY, Lovely Warren, have made this special video as thank you for all the healthcare professionals helping our city during COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to disinformation from media, government, and the inconsistency in reporting on COVID-19, many have found themselves in panic-mode. Panic-buying, panic-cleaning, panic-JUDGING (whew, chile)!
The reality of the situation is simple, however, you can only control what YOU do. That’s it, that’s all.

Now, I know this is so much easier said than done, but it’s better than driving yourself crazy. Especially if you’re in mandated quarantine (whew, chileeeee)!
With that being said, the best thing you can do is to make sure you’re being hygienic, cleanly, stay up on your meds and vitamins.
Also, we need to actually abide by the social distancing suggestions, respectively.
Phu Concepts guide to Staying healthy during the pandemic
Finally, here’s some quick facts about COVID-19 to keep you healthy and educated:

Sources to follow
Finally, we would like to refer you to official sources that may help you identify COVID-19 symptoms.
Generally, we recommend that you stay tuned and follow the newest trends of COVID-19 and that’s why we are refering to the Corona Virus Events Pages by WHO.
Obvisouly, many of us are having hard time dealing with entailed restrictions. One of the most important steps to COVID-19 spread is SOCIAL DISTANCING.
Here at Phu Concepts, we are multi-ethnic and open-minded. Therefore, we strongly advise our communities to understand how xenophobia works and restrict themselves from expressing unjust racism towards Asian Communities in Rochester, NY.